This basic research project is supported by the Slovak Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport within a scope of research and development incentives, provided from the national budget in acc. with the Act No. 185/2009 Coll. On research and development incentives and on amendment of the Act No. 595/2003 Coll. On income tax as later amended, as amended by the Act No. 40/2011 Coll.
This basic research project is supported by the Slovak Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport within a scope of research and development incentives, provided from the national budget in acc. with the Act No. 185/2009 Coll. On research and development incentives and on amendment of the Act No. 595/2003 Coll. On income tax as later amended, as amended by the Act No. 40/2011 Coll.
The main topic of the grant is focus on detailed structural analysis of prion proteins – both PrPc and PrPsc. Based on this we work on design and production of highly specific clonal antibodies for separate detection...